Tangent GC
The story behind Tangent Garment Care began long ago with the founder's grandfather. A chimney sweep by profession, this patriarch could come across a bit coarse on occasion. Despite this, he was meticulous when it came to his wardrobe and constantly dressed with a degree of elegance and sophistication. He did not own many clothes, but the clothes he did own received impeccable care.
Somewhere along the lines, we as people stopped caring. Likely due to the mass produced, cheap, and often deficient clothing that became commonplace. Due to the rapid wear and tear the idea of garment care seemingly faded into obscurity. All of this only taking one or two generations.
Times are changing though. Quality of fabric and distinct pattern making is of interest once more and in need of proper care. With this realization in place, founder David Samuelsson set out to provide a superior range of garment care products. The architecture of these products is not rooted in the chemical industry of flung from conveyor belts, but through natural and effective craftsmanship. Offering an alternative that will grant your clothing a long life.