Camp + Hike
Sleek. Creative. Useful. Every product screams high-quality and innovation. Offering outdoor gear that is user-friendly, elegantly designed, and sturdy enough to go on the outdoor adventure of your dreams. Whether you are planning a family trip with the kids or you are a hardcore survivalist that lives and breathes the freedom of the forest, we have what you need.
We understand that you want adventures that your parents only dreamed of and that you know you are just a road trip away from getting an unforgettable experience. Whether you are preparing for a backpacking trip through the Cascades, skiing the backwoods of Canada, or fishing in virgin Alaskan waters, you will need to be prepared for each leg of the journey.
From travel bags and fishing equipment to hiking and backpacking gear, we carry everything you need to make memories that you will never forget. Innovative products, like inflatable tents and oils that cover human scents, can help keep you safe from the elements but also allows you to get up close and personal with wildlife.
Hiking boots with soles sturdy enough to take a beating from granite, pavement or scorching sand will keep you trekking through nature's toughest environments. Camel packs will keep you hydrated until you can find a fresh water source. Heavy duty sleeping bags, sweaters, and coats help you stay warm through the coldest nights. We even carry couple's sleeping bags, padded camping chairs, first aid kits, and hammocks. You can make your camp site as luxurious or as spartan as you wish.
Not all shoppers know what they need. Whether you are a budding outdoor enthusiast or you know the backwoods like the back of your hand, we understand that our products are new to most people and product specifications vary. Allow our friendly and experienced customer service members offer guidance so that you find exactly what you need for your specific situation.